Debha Amatya
| - Email: damatya@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Stanford University (2014), B.S. Bioengineering
- Graduate Department: Neuroscience
- Research Interests: Bioengineering/Neuro-Engineering, Neuroscience
- Laboratory Rotation: Fred Gage, Jonathan Sebat (Su 15); Terry Sejnowski, Salk (Su 14)
- Thesis Lab: Fred Gage
- Current Position: Resident, Neuroscience, UC Los Angeles
- Publications
Joyce Chen
| - Email: j2chen@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: UCLA 2008, B.S. Biochemistry
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Research Interests: Cancer biology, epigenetics
- Laboratory Rotation: Clodagh O'Shea (Su 14); Anjana Rao (Su 13); Victor Nizet (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Anjana Rao
- Current Position: Resident, Internal Medicine, NYP Hosp-Weill Cornell Med Center
- Publications
Mark Fang
| - Email: myfang@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Stanford (2011), B.S. Biology, Mathematical & Computational Sciences
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Research Interests: Cancer biology, genomics, and systems biology
- Laboratory Rotation: Gene Yeo, Chris Glass (Su 13); Bing Ren (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Gene Yeo
- Current Position: Resident, Pediatrics, UC San Diego Med Center
- Publications
Anupam Garg
| - Email: akgarg@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of Washington (2013), B.S. Bioengineering
- Graduate Department: Neuroscience
- Research Interests: Bioengineering and Neuroscience
- Laboratory Rotation: Brad Voytek, Ed Callaway (Su 14); Tom Albright, Salk (Su 13)
- Thesis Lab: Ed Callaway, Salk
- Current Position: Resident, Ophthalmology, John Hopkins
- Publications
Eric Geier
| - Email: egeier@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Indiana University (2011), B.S. Astronomy, Physics
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Research Interests: Cancer biology, genomics, and systems biology
- Laboratory Rotation: Kim Prisk, Kevin Patrick (Su 13); Kim Prisk, Rick Buxton (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Kim Prisk
- Current Position: Resident, Psychiatry, UC San Diego Med Center
- Publications
Kelsey Ladt
| - Email: kladt@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: U. of Kentucky (2009), B.S. Biology
- Graduate Department: Neuroscience
- Research Interests: Neurodegeneration and Neurotrauma
- Laboratory Rotation: Daniela Boassa (Su 14); Subhojit Roy (Su 13); Nigel Calcutt (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Sam Pfaff, Salk
- Current Position: Resident, Child Neurology, UC San Diego
- Publications
Eulanca Liu
| - Email: eyl015@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: UC Berkeley (2010), B.S. Chemical Biology
- Graduate Department: Neuroscience
- Research Interests: The physiological basis and clinical applications of functional brain imaging
- Laboratory Rotation: Shyni Varghese, Karen Christman (Su 13); Jim Brewer (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Rick Buxton
- Current Position: Resident, Radiation Oncology, UC Los Angeles
- Publications
Stosh Ozog
| - Email: sozog@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: UC Berkeley (2010), B.A./ B.S. Molecular & Cell Biology, Plant
- Graduate Department: TSRI
- Research Interests: Epidemiology/ Public Health and Immunology/ Infection
- Laboratory Rotation: Bruce Torbett (Su 13), Sumit Chanda & Victor Nizet (Su 14)
- Thesis Lab: Bruce Torbett
- Current Position: Resident, Pediatrics, U Washington Affil Hospitals
- Publications
Jason Seidman
| - Email: jseidman@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: UC Santa Barbara (2010), B.S./M.A. Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Research Interests: Type 2 diabetes, metabolism, and energy homeostasis
- Laboratory Rotation: Chris Glass, Reuben Shaw (Su 13); Marc Montminy, Salk (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Chris Glass
- Current Position: Resident, Dermatology, UC San Diego
- Publications
Sahil Shah
| - Email: sas032@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: U. of Maryland (2012), B.S. Cell Biology & Genetics
- Graduate Department: Neuroscience
- Research Interests: Type 2 diabetes, metabolism, and energy homeostasis
- Laboratory Rotation: Hollis Cline, TSRI, Ed Callawy, Salk (Su 13); Al La Spada (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Jeff Goldberg
- Current Position: Resident, Opthalmology, Stanford Univ
- Publications
Matt Kolar
| - Email: mkolar@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: U. of North Carolina (2009), B.S. Chemistry
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Research Interests: Chemical biology
- Laboratory Rotation: Reuben Shaw, Salk, Ben Cravatt, TSRI (Su 13); Jeff Kelly/Luke Wiseman (TSRI, Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Alan Saghatelian (Salk)
- Current Position: Resident, Dermatology, UC San Diego
- Publications
Spencer Moore
| - Email: s2moore@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: UCLA (2012), B.S. Neuroscience
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Research Interests: Systems neuroscience and neural circuits
- Laboratory Rotation: Binhai Zheng, Jeff Goldberg (Su 13); Jeff Isaacson (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Alysson Muotri
- Current Position: Resident, Internal Medicine & Opthalmology, University of Arizona
- Publications
Angela Ianni
| - Email: aianni@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
- Graduate Department: NIH Partners Program (OxCam)
- Research Interests: The effect of dopamine on the neural coding of reward value in healthy individuals and patients with Schizophrenia.
- Laboratory Rotation: Karen Berman, NIH; Tim Behrens , Oxford (Su 12)
- Thesis Lab: Karen Berman, NIH; Tim Behrens, Oxford
- Current Position: Resident, Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh
- Publications
Jessica Meves
| - Email: jmeves@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
- Graduate Department: Neurosciences
- Thesis Title: Neuron-intrinsic and extrinsic control of axon sprouting after central nervous system injury
- Thesis Lab: Binhai Zheng
- Current Position: Resident, Psychiatry, University of Michigan
- Publications
Priya Nayak
| - Email: pmnayak@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Caltech (2011), B.S. Physics
- Graduate Department: Bioengineering
- Research Interests: Stem Cells, Bioinformatics
- Laboratory Rotation: Shankar Subramaniam (Su 13); John Serences (Su 12); Veerabhadran Ramanathan (Su 11)
- Thesis Lab: Shankar Subramaniam
- Current Position: Resident, Primary Care, UC San Diego
- Publications:
Nicholas Protopsaltis
| - Email: nprotops@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Saint Louis University
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Thesis Title: Role of Interleukin-22 in Promoting Tumor Angiogenesis
- Thesis Lab: Napoleone Ferrara
- Current Position: Resident, Pathology, University of Cincinnati
David Adamowicz
| - Email: dadamowi@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution:University of Pennsylvania
- Graduate Department: Neurosciences
- Thesis Title: Elucidating the Basis for Memory Impairment in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
- Thesis Lab: Fred Gage
- Current Position: Resident, Psychiatry, UC San Diego
- Publications
Cindy Liu
| - Email: yhl016@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Johns Hopkins
- Graduate Department: Neurosciences
- Thesis Title: Ultrastructure of Melanopsin-Expressing Retinal Ganglion Cell Circuitry in the Retina and Brain Regions that Mediate Light-Driven Behavior
- Thesis Lab: Satchin Panda, Salk
- Current Position: Resident, Internal Medicine, Kaiser Permanente
- Publications
Geoff Weiner
| - Email: gweiner@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Lake Forrest College (2008), B.A. Math & Biology
- Graduate Department: Neurosciences
- Thesis Title:
- Thesis Lab: Jeff Goldberg
- Current Position: Resident, Opthalmology, Stanford
- Publications
Amran Asadi
| Email: aasadi@ucsd.edu Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida (2008), B.S., Mechanical Engineering Graduate Department: Bioengineering Thesis Title: Spatio-temporal patterns of active pulmonary vascular control Thesis Lab: Kim Prisk Current Position: Resident, Anesthesiology, Stanford Publications |
Greg Goldgof
| Email: ggoldgof@ucsd.edu Undergraduate Institution: Stanford University (2009), B.S. Computer Science and Biological Sciences, M.S. Bioengineering Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences Thesis Title: Drug Target Discovery Using Designer Drug Sensitive Yeast Thesis Lab: Elizabeth Winzeler Current Position: Resident, Pathology, UCSF Publications |
Aran Groves
| Email: agroves@ucsd.edu Undergraduate Institution: University of Northern Arizona (2008), B.S., Biology Graduate Department: Neuroscience Thesis Title:Astrocyte activity modulated by sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling in a multiple sclerosis model Thesis Lab: Jerold Chun, TSRI Current Position: Resident, Pediatric Neurology, UCLA Publications |
Cynthia Hsu
| Email: c6hsu@ucsd.edu Undergraduate Institution: University of Washington (2010), B.S. Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences Thesis Title:Molecular mechanisms of MAP4K3-mediated autophagy induction Thesis Lab: Al La Spada Current Position: Resident, Internal Medicine, UCSD Publications |
Michael Kramer
| Email: mkramer@ucsd.edu Undergraduate Institution: Harvard University (2009), B.A. Engineering Graduate Department: Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Thesis Title: Transformation of high-throughput data into hierarchal cellular models enables biological prediction and discovery Thesis Lab: Trey Ideker Current Position: Resident, Internal Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Publications |
Espoir Kyubwa
| Email: ekyubwa@ucsd.edu Undergraduate Institution: UCSD (2010), B.S/M.S. Bioengineering Graduate Department: Bioengineering Thesis Title: Optogenetic Dissection of Cell Types and Circuits in Mouse Visual Cortex Thesis Lab: Ed Callaway, Salk Current Position: Publications |
Leo Lin
| Email: l2lin@ucsd.edu Undergraduate Institution: Stanford University (2003), B.A. Biology Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences Thesis Title: Exploring Antibiotic and Innate Immune Synergies to Treat Mutli-Drug Resistant Bacterial Infections Thesis Lab: Victor Nizet Current Position: Resident, Pathology, University of Utah Publications |
Neal Amin
- Email: neamin@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Columbia University (2008), B.S., Biochemistry
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Thesis Title: The motor neuron-microRNA (miR-218) regulates a gene network required for nerve-muscle interaction
- Thesis Lab: Sam Pfaff, Salk
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford
- Publications
Sagar Bapat
- Email: sbapat@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Stanford University (2009), B.S., Chemistry
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Thesis Title: Immunology of Aging and Metabolic Disease
- Thesis Lab: Ye Zheng and Ron Evans, Salk
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Pathology, UCSF
- Publications
Dekker Deacon
- Email: ddeacon@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Middlebury College (2007), B.A., Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Thesis Title: The Multigenic Basis for Human Cardiovascular Disease
- Thesis Lab: Neil Chi
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Dermatology, U. of Utah
- Publications
Rahul Nene
- Email: rnene@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Brown University (2009), Sc.B., Biology
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Thesis Title: Identification and Characterization of the Cdc73 Transcription Factor as a Suppressor of Genome Instability
- Thesis Lab: Richard Kolodner
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSD
- Publications
Danielle Steed
- Email: dbarrios@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: California State University- Los Angeles (2008), B.S., Biology
- Graduate Department: TSRI
- Research Interests: Natural Products Biosynthesis and Total Synthesis, Enzymology
- Laboratory Rotations: K.C. Nicolaou, TSRI (Su 10); Bill Gerwick (Su 10); Floyd Romesberg, K.C. Nicolaou, TSRI (Su 11)
- Thesis Lab: Floyd Romesberg, TSRI
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Emory
- Publications
Tyler Steed
- Email: tsteed@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Berkeley (2009), B.A., Molecular and Cell Biology, Neurobiology
- Graduate Department: Neurosciences
- Thesis Title: Quantitative Radiographic Measures in Glioblastoma Imaging Associate With Patient Survival and Tumor Subtype, While Uncovering Genomic Profiles
- Thesis Lab: Clark Chen
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, Emory
- Publications
Jean Wassenaar
- Email: jew027@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Johns Hopkins University (2008), B.S.E., Biomedical Engineering
- Graduate Department: Bioengineering
- Research Interests: Biomaterials for Cell/Tissue Engineering and Drug Delivery
- Laboratory Rotations: Karen Christman (Su 10); Inder Verma, Salk (Su 10)
- Thesis Lab: Karen Christman
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Vanderbilt
- Publications
Csilla Lippert
- Email: cfelsen@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: California Institute of Technology (2008), B.S., Biology and English
- Graduate Department: BMS
- Research Interests: Cancer Biology, Imaging Technology
- Laboratory Rotations: Judy Varner (Su 09); Stuart Lipton, Sanford-Burnham (Su 09); Roger Tsien (Su 10)
- Thesis Lab: Roger Tsien
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford
- Publications
Robert Saddawi-Konefka
- Email: rsaddawi@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of Southern California (2008), B.A., Neuroscience and Spanish
- Graduate Department: Neurosciences
- Thesis Title: IL-17D Directed Immune Surveillance
- Thesis Lab: Jack Bui
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, UCSD
- Publications
Panid Sharifnia
- Email: psharifn@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Berkeley (2008) B.A., Molecular and Cellular Biology; Biochemistry
- Graduate Department: Neurosciences
- Thesis Title: Regulatory elements of cebp-1 mRNA
- Thesis Lab: Yishi Jin
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Psychiatry, UCSF
- Publications
Alex Hui
- Email: alhui@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Johns Hopkins University (2007), B.S. Biomedical Engineering
- Graduate Department: Bioengineering
- Thesis Title: Regulation of Articular Cartilage Proteoglycan-4 Secretion in Aging and Osteoarthritis
- Thesis Lab: Robert Sah
- Current Position: Resident, Orthopedic Surgery, Mt. Sinai
- Publications
Kentson Lam
- Email: k8lam@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Berkeley (2005), B.A. Molecular and Cell Biology
- Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences
- Thesis Title: Characterization of RUNX1 function in hematopoiesis
- Thesis Lab: Dong-Er Zhang
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Internal Medicine (Investigator Pathway), UCSD
- Publications
Bruno Maranhao
- Email: bmaranha@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Los Angeles (2007), B.S. Electrical Engineering and Neuroscience
- Graduate Department: Bioengineering
- Thesis Title: Efficient Identification of Disease Causative Mutations with Next Generation Sequencing Technologies
- Thesis Lab: Gabe Silva, Terry Sejnowski, Salk
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Anesthesiology, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis
- Publications
Aaron Simon
- Email: aasimon@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Brown University (2007), B.S. Biophysics
- Graduate Department: Bioengineering
- Thesis Title: Beyond BOLD: Toward the application of quantitative functional magnetic resonance imaging to the study of brain function and physiology
- Thesis Lab: Richard Buxton
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology, UCSD
- Publications
Robert Thomas
- Email: rlthomas@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Santa Clara University (2006), B.S. Chemistry
- Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences
- Thesis Title: MCL-1 is Essential for Myocardial Homeostasis and Autophagy
- Thesis Lab: Asa Gustafsson
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, UCSD
- Publications
Cesar Virgen
- Email: cvirgenl@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: University of Alberta (2006), B.S., Biology
- Graduate Department: TSRI
- Thesis Title: Interleukin-1 Receptor 1 Activation Inhibits Hepatitis C Virus Infection
- Thesis Lab: Frank Chisari, TSRI
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Dermatology, UC Irvine
- Publications
Dawn Eichenfield
- Email: daz001@ucsd.edu
- Undergraduate Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008), B.S. Biology
- Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences
- Thesis Title: Towards and Understanding of Inflammation in Macrophages
- Thesis Lab: Chris Glass
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Dermatology, UCSD
- Publications
Kristen Berendzen
- Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University (2004), B.S. Neuroscience
- Graduate Department: Neuroscience
- Thesis Title: Systemic regulation of the cellular stress response to proteotoxicity by neuroendocrine signaling
- Thesis Lab: Andrew Dillin
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Psychiatry, UCSF
- Publications
Leela Davies
- Undergraduate Institution: Brown University (2005), B.S. Neuroscience
- Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences
- Thesis Title: Roles of Sialic Acid Diversity in Mammalian Brain Evolution
- Thesis Lab: Ajit Varki
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston
- Publications
Mithun Diwakar
- Undergraduate Institution: California Institute of Technology (2006), B.S. Biology
- Graduate Department: Bioengineering
- Thesis Title: Multi-Core Beamformer for Spatio-Temporal MEG Source Activity Reconstruction
- Thesis Lab: Mingxiong Huang
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Radiology, UCSF
- Publications
Jesse Dixon
- Undergraduate Institution: Princeton University (2006), B.A. Neuroscience
- Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences
- Thesis Title: Higher Order Chromatin Architecture in Mammalian Genome
- Thesis Lab: Bing Ren
- Current Position: Helmsley-Salk Fellow, Salk Institute
- Publications
Wes Gifford
- Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Los Angeles (2005), B.S. Neuroscience
- Graduate Department: Neuroscience
- Thesis Title: Endogenous Retroviruses Contribute Regulatory Sequences for Early Embryonic Gene Activation
- Thesis Lab: Sam Pfaff, Salk Institute
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Pediatrics, U. of Washington
- Publications
Matt Gonzales
- Undergraduate Institution: UCSD (2006), B.S. Chemical Engineering
- Graduate Department: Bioengineering
- Thesis Title: Rotor Termination in a Patient-Specific Model of Atrial Fibrillation
- Thesis Lab: Andrew McCulloch
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, UCLA
- Publications
Val Griffeth
- Undergraduate Institution: Vassar College (2004), B.A. Biochemistry and Mathematics
- Graduate Department: Bioengineering
- Thesis Title: The Physiology Basis of BOLD Functional MRI
- Thesis Lab: Richard Buxton
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Emergency Medicine, Oregon Health & Science U., Portland
- Publications
Adnan Majid
- Undergraduate Institution: Stanford University (2007), B.S. Symbolic Systems
- Graduate Department: Neuroscience
- Thesis Title: Selective inhibitory control and the basal ganglia
- Thesis Lab: Adam Aron
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Psychiatry (Research Track), UCLA
- Publications
Liz Murphy
- Undergraduate Institution: University of California, San Diego (2007), B.A. Mathematics
- Graduate Department: Neurosciences
- Thesis Title: Quantitative neuroimaging: applications to normal aging and neurodegenerative disease
- Thesis Lab: James Brewer
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Neurology, UCSD
- Publications
Tim Tirrell
- Undergraduate Institution: California Institute of Technology (2006), B.S. Chemistry
- Graduate Department: Biomedical Sciences
- Thesis Title: Biomechanical Studies of the Human Musculoskeletal System
- Thesis Lab: Richard Lieber
- Current Position: Resident, Department of Surgery, UCSD
- Publications
Source: https://medschool.ucsd.edu/education/mstp/people/Pages/graduates.aspx
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